Administrative organisation
The Jewish Community of Larissa is a Legal Entity of Public Law with religious, philanthropic, non-profit character. It is subject to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and functions according to the State Law 2456/20 and with a special Statutory Regulation, published in the Official Gazette on May 1933 and remains in force to date.
Elections are held every three years in the Community of Larissa for the designation of the General Assembly with 25 members. Then the General Assembly elects the Board with 6 members, which also has three-years tenure and exercises the administration with the President of the Community being in charge.
Important people have always leaded the Community of Larissa, and each one contributed to its prosperity and growth.

Present Board of the Community
The present Board of the Community comprises:
- President: Moses Manouach
- Vice President:Nina Tarampoulous-Mousa
- Gen. Secretary: Beatrice (Betty) Magrizou
- Cashier: Simon Magrizos
- Members: Albertos Misdrahis, Albertos Begas
For the productive functioning of the Community, various Committees operate within it, whose members are designated by the Board. The Committees deal with partial objects and community activities and aim to facilitate the work of the Board and to contribute to the progress of the Community. The tenure of the members of the Committees is also three years.